Investors endorsing the initiative
In assets managed by investors endorsing Advance (USD)
Investors participating in engagements with companies
Companies being engaged through Advance
Advance is a PRI-led collaborative stewardship initiative on human rights and social issues. The initiative was launched in December 2022 with the objective to support institutional investors in protecting and enhancing risk-adjusted returns by advancing progress on human rights through investor stewardship.
Human rights issues can affect the performance of individual investees and, with it, financial returns. For example, companies can face higher operational and legal costs as well as reputational risks due to community conflicts, labour rights violations, or other severe human rights concerns. Therefore, meeting human rights expectations leads corporates and investors to more effectively and proactively manage a range of material issues such as employee and community relations, health and safety, or forced labour.
These issues undermine not just individual rights but also the societal infrastructure on which the global economy relies for delivering sustainable long-term growth, leading to volatile economic conditions and political polarization that impact investment performance.
The concept of due diligence introduced by the UN Guiding Principles now forms the basis of regulation in multiple jurisdictions and is further referenced in passed or proposed regulation on human rights, supply chain transparency or modern slavery. Beyond their own responsibilities under the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, investor action on human rights is therefore driven by legal and financial materiality concerns as well as client and beneficiary interests and preferences.
Preventing and mitigating negative impacts on people can lead to better financial risk management and helps investors meet the evolving demands of beneficiaries, clients, and regulators.
While keeping with all regulatory and legal requirements, investors seek to make progress on human rights through a range of stewardship tools and activities, including dialogue with companies and other stakeholders.
Members of Advance endorse the initiative, its objectives and the investor statement. The statement outlines the investor case for advancing human rights, strategy for making progress and expectations of companies being engaged through the initiative.
The initiative is led by the PRI Executive and supported by two voluntary advisory bodies.
This group is made up of PRI signatories and who provide guidance on the development and coordination of the initiative to support the PRI's decision making.
This group is comprised of PRI stakeholders, such as NGOs, with deep expertise on human rights. The group provides technical advice on human rights and support engagement with affected stakeholders.
*The parties management of these assets is subject to any client mandate and any legal, regulatory, fiduciary or other professional obligations that apply to them. The parties retain their discretion to act independently in the best interests of their clients and beneficiaries.
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